Remote classification of images using the new fuzzy clustering algorithm based on the weight

Remote classification of images using the new fuzzy clustering algorithm based on the weight

Remote classification of images using the new fuzzy clustering algorithm based on the weight

نوع فایل :PDFتعداد صفحات :۱۳
سال انتشار :۱۳۹۵
Fuzzy clustering model is an essential tool to find the proper cluster structure of given data sets in pattern and image classification. In this paper, a new weighted fuzzy C-Means (NW-FCM) algorithm is proposed to improve the performance of NW-FCM models for high-dimensional multiclass pattern recognition problems and its result has been compared with the results of FCM, NFCC, and NW-FCM fuzzy clustering algorithm. The methodology used in NW-FCM is the concept of weighted mean from the nonparametric weighted feature extraction (NWFE) and cluster mean from discriminant analysis feature extraction (DAFE). These two concepts are combined in NW-FCM for unsupervised clustering. The main feature of this…

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