Nerium indicum miller shrub as an accumulation of lead (pb) atoms in the Death Valley ecosystem in Behbahan, Iran

Nerium indicum miller shrub as an accumulation of lead (pb) atoms in the Death Valley ecosystem in Behbahan, Iran

Nerium indicum miller shrub as an accumulation of lead (pb) atoms in the Death Valley ecosystem in Behbahan, Iran

نوع فایل:PDFتعداد صفحات :۱۰
سال انتشار : ۱۳۹۵
Death Valley is located in the north of Behbehan city. The degree of water toxicity is able to cause lethal effects to human and animal particularly in the first 100 meters distance from the source of the spring. The least life is in this ecosystem The current study intends to evaluate the accumulation ability of native aquatic plant, Nerium indicum miller, to stream contaminated. Since no tree existed or lived up to 1500 meters downwards especially during the origin of the spring. the investigate mainly focused on the presence and distribution of heavy metals in water, sediments and Plant species leafs of the single shrub of the Death Valley ecosystem and to find correlations this element among water,…

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