An Investigation into Biocompatibility and Biodegradability of PLLA Nano-Scaffold using Electrospinning

An Investigation into Biocompatibility and Biodegradability of PLLA Nano-Scaffold using Electrospinning

An Investigation into Biocompatibility and Biodegradability of PLLA Nano-Scaffold using Electrospinning

نوع فایل :PDFتعداد صفحات :۹
سال انتشار :۱۳۹۴
Tissue engineering provides a new research field. In this new research field, cell, scaffold and biomolecules are used to create an extended landscape in restoration, repair and maintenance of tissues. In this study, nano properties of polymer scaffolds for tissue engineering purposes are discussed.PLLA polymer scaffold was created using electrospinning technique ,chloroform solvent and DMF. Then the surface of scaffold was treated to improve biodegradability. Scaffold was investigated in terms of surface morphological characteristics, biodegradablility, porosity and pore size. For this purpose, porosity measurements with Archimedes law, biodegradablility test and scanning electron microscopy study were…

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